
Supporting you to get a Non-Molestation and or Occupation Order

If your abusive ex-partner, spouse or family member is harassing you, threatening you or abusing you or your family, then it may be that you should seek injunctive relief. In the family courts, there are two types of injunctions. These are:

  • Non-Molestation Orders. These prevent your abuser from using or threatening violence against you, stops them from being able to contact you and coming within a certain distance of your home.
  • Occupation Orders. If your abuser has any right to occupy your home, then you will need to seek this order if you wish to prevent them living there. 

Leaving an abusive relationship is often a very difficult and emotional experience. We are here to support you.

Other ways we can help

In some situations, a harassment warning letter may prevent any harassment, abuse or threats. However, if your case is more serious, then it may be that the first step would be a court application for a non-molestation and or occupation order. We will carefully consider your options with you and agree the right course of action for you and your family.

Meet our team

Our team meet clients to advise on domestic abuse and Non-Molestation orders throughout Somerset:

Joseph Mullis, part of the team at Calder Mullis Family Solicitors.

Get help now with a Non-Molestation and or Occupation Order

We offer Legal Aid

We offer Legal Aid which is where the Legal Aid Agency fund part or all of your legal advice or provide you with a discount dependent on eligibility requirements. You may also be eligible for Legal Aid which is means tested. We can help advise you on the possible sources of funding for your matter. 

Self-funding your advice

We believe in providing clients with affordable advice and transparent pricing. We always give a fee estimate.  

Free initial consultation for new clients

We offer prospective clients with a free consultation for up to 20 minutes as needed by your case. This is done via a phone call. We also offer legal surgeries in Yeovil where you can also drop in for a free initial consultation. At these free consultations, we will discuss your legal position, suggest possible solutions and explore funding solutions. This includes assessing if you are eligible for Legal Aid funding or we will provide you with a fee estimate. If you wish to have initial advice then we offer a fixed fee one hour appointment.

Come and meet us

We offer advice in regards to Domestic Abuse and Non-Molestation Orders throughout Somerset:

Calder Mullis Family Solicitors provide Legal Surgeries in Minehead.

Family law done differently.

As specialist family solicitors, our only focus is on helping clients to resolve their family law issues. Whether you are dealing with child arrangements, domestic abuse, the involvement of social services or any other family issue, we are here to help you achieve the best outcome for you and your family.

  • Straightforward. We provide simple and sincere advice.
  • Quality. Advice is provided by skilled and experienced solicitors.
  • Accessible. We work outside the 9 to 5 as needed by our clients.
  • Local. Access in Taunton and surgeries in Minehead and Yeovil.
  • Affordable. We offer Legal Aid and affordable private rates.
  • Progressive. We embrace technology such as Teams meeting and WhatsApp.

Our accreditations and memberships

We are Specialist Quality Mark Hold Contracted with the Legal Aid Agency as well as:

Calder Mullis Family Solicitors, members of Resolution.
Calder Mullis Family Solicitors, members of Cyber Essentials.
Calder Mullis, Family Solicitors logo.

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